Tuesday, May 6, 2008


I decided to do Bloomsday with my friend Laura! We decided the week before, so of course we had to pay the $30 to enter....blah. But it was very fun! We finished in 1:49:57. I was not really that sore, but my right arm was sunburned. Something about the fact that it snowed last week, made me forget that my white, Irish/Scottish skin needs protection. But it was worth it, the shirts were cool, and I had very good company. Here is a montage of my day...

This is at the starting line...we never actually reached the start line until 9:45am

Doomsday Hill is behind us, this is the before......

Here is the finish line, it looks like I am bending over exhausted, but I am actually trying to get out of the way for the camera. I was tired though.

The shirts....yeah.....for some reason our heads look really small on big bodies....it must be the red shirts. Yeah for Bloomsday 2008!!!!

1 comment:

Ivy Wang said...

Hey I did it too! I had fun. Amazingly, I didn't get sunburned!! Don't know how that's possible. :)