Have a ever told you how much I hate to do laundry. I really really do. I would clean toilettes, wash floors, and scrub dishes before I would choose to do laundry. I put clothes in the washer, then I usually forget about them until the next day, so I either have to wash them again or if it has not been too long I put them in the dryer, then forget about them in there, until they are nice and wrinkly. Then I usually run it one more time so I don't have to iron and I bring them upstairs to fold(How much energy have I just wasted???). But instead of folding them right away I usually wait a couple days until I really need something in that basket (how ridiculous am I?). Then I fold, and they usually sit there again in the basket nice and folded for way too long. Occasionally, I will get a load done in one try and it won't sit in the basket, but lately that has not been the case.
Now, I know what you are thinking. You are so lazy because it really does not take long to fold clothes and put them away. I know this. But I still fight every aspect of the idea. My roomates in college know this about me. My laundry basket was always over flowing because I would wear everything I owned before I did laundry (this is why I have so many pairs of socks and underwear, I can go much longer before I HAVE to wash). My poor husband has to deal with the laundry baskets in the livingroom for days.
Something funny is on Sat or Sun I usally do most of the laundry, so when I bring the clothes upstairs to fold I usually set it down then think to myself "My floors really need to be vaccuumed and washed" So that is what I do. Then I clean the counters, then I dust the whole house, then I clean the base boards, then I clean the bathroom. So, pretty soon our house is spotless, and then I dont feel like folding the laundry...... Such a viscious circle for me. Oh well....someday hopefully I will grow up because I don't want to set that example for my kids. Well that is all for this morning.
Slow Start
1 week ago