Thursday, October 16, 2008

Santa Barbara No. 3

We were lucky to be there on Abby's 6th birthday. It was really cute, when Erin asked her who she wanted to sit by for her Birthday Breakfast, she quickly chose Uncle Nick. Very very cute!

The waiters brought her a brownie and ice cream with a candle at 9am. She only licked all the chocolate sauce off.Then it was off to the zoo! The below picture is an ant eater....I was fascinated with it. It was really weird looking and so cool. You should google it...its worth the picture.Then we saw the gorillas. There was a huge one and the girls were really excited. Then Mr. Gorilla decided to reach down and poop in his hand then eat it. Abby said "look he found an apple to eat." We quickly agreed trying to keep a straight face and shooed them off to the next exhibit. It was hilarious!
I don't know what you do when you are in a dinosaur egg, but we Farley's Raaaawwwwrrrr!
We also like to try on silly hats.
The kids got to feed the giraffes, it was really cool. Abby was all over it, Zori would not even get close and Cedric was too short to feed the giraffe and it would put it's tongue through the fence and grab the treat out of his hand.
After the day at the zoo, we had to have a party, and what always ends up happening at parties? Balloon fights!I think Abigail will remember her birthday!

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