Nick has been gone this week for training, so it's the boys and me (Gage and Olive) to fend for ourselves. As much as I can't wait for Nick to get home just to see him, I think I am more excited for him to get home so I can get some sleep...I know what you are thinking, I need someone beside me to sleep, but that's not the issue. Apparently, Nick is the alpha of the pack and when he is gone, Gage has to step up and take charge. So all night, he paces the house. He checks the front room, looks out the windows, comes in to the bedroom to makes sure I am still safe. And unfortunately for me, I am a very light sleeper. So the click, click, click of his claws on our hard wood floors have me tossing and turning, and saying sternly at wee hours of the morning, "GAGE, GET ON YOUR BED!!" The rankings in our house are now clear, I thought I might be just under Nick, but apparently I am lower than the dog, probably the cat too, since he is practically sitting on my head and meowing in my face at 5am to let him out. After I get up in the morning, Gage can finally catch some Zs (see photo below). In fact I practically have to drag him off his bed for a potty break before I leave for work, then as soon as he comes back in, he drags himself back to the bedroom for some peace and quiet. It's hard being a watch dog. And yes, he really does sleep like that, sometimes it means he wants a belly rub, but most often he is fast asleep.