I have been researching my recent heartburn/indigestion/acid reflux issue. I know it is 99% caused by this little growing bean inside of me. But it is definitely getting out of control. I have talked to my doctor, and she has given me suggestions, with the okay to continue my tums addiction along with my acid reducer. I am still trying to figure out what the main trigger is so here are a list of food items that cause it, maybe someone else has an idea:
1. butter
2. sugar
3. high fatty foods (the bad kind)
4. high fatty foods (the good kind)
5. white bread
6. wheat bread
7. fruit
8. vegetables
9. Mexican food
10. Thai food (so so sad)
11. chicken
12. beef
13. pork
14. rice
15. anything citrus (I know that falls under fruit, but I am just emphasizing)
Am I forgetting anything? Oh yeah...water. These are just a few of the things that I have noticed. Who really knows the difference between heartburn, indigestion, and acid reflux. They seem so interchangeable. So I looked up the definitions of each, and as you can see they are fairly similar.
Heartburn – noun
1. an uneasy burning sensation in the stomach, typically extending toward the esophagus, and sometimes associated with the eructation of an acid fluid.
Indigestion – noun
1. uncomfortable inability or difficulty in digesting food; dyspepsia.
Acid Reflux – noun
1. a chronic condition in which acid from the stomach flows back into the lower esophagus, causing pain or tissue damage.
Well that sure sums it up. I guess I will just have to deal for the next 18 weeks. So here goes nothing!
Slow Start
1 week ago