Saturday, July 31, 2010

36 weeks and growing

At 36 weeks i can't believe I still have another 4-5 to go if I go full term. But the nesting has also started to kick in and I am pretty much ready for a baby. Now I am trying to make Nick and I some freezer meals, so when baby comes we can focus on her.

Speaking of HER, I had one more ultrasound on Friday because I was measuring small. But it turns out I am right on track and she is about 6lbs. We also got a clear shot of her little lady parts, so I know I won't have to return all the generous amounts of clothing we have been given. Phew...

1 comment:

Chad and Cate Kuhlmann said...

I wish I could make you a meal like you did for me, when I had claire...but I think I'll be just as busy! Love you friend!